“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Kate2 Perangsang..
“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”
Everything Gonna be Alright!
Sedar tak sedar selang beberape minggu lagi akan msk tahun 2010.Cepatnye mase berlalu.Tahun depan aku da pasang niat nak kerje dgn bsungguh².Tak kire la ape nak jadi,yang penting poket saye penuh yer.
Ahhh!Actually,aku pun penat dek kerana aku kini bz mhadiri training di PJ.Bermula seawal 9.00am - 7.00pm!!!Sampai umah aku pun lunyai..
Erm,training..memang fun!But still aku tk boleh lupe kawan² aku kat tempat kerje lame aku.Alih² aku dapat pesanan ringkas(amboi!)dari kawan aku yg still stuck kat sane.She says that"Bila aku g kt ko(mungkin ttinggal perkataan tmpat aku yg lame)aku rndu sgt dkt ko.im a lonely ranger"
Ape yg dpt aku kate kan ialah,kita memang rapat,but the fact is friends come and go kan..Sooner or later kt akan mninggalkan org atau insan yg kt syg demi mengejar cita2.All I can say is,be strong and stick around!
Tk kisahlah ape org nak ckp kan?Fkir2 blk,sampai ble org tu sanggup nak mengata?Mbuli?Mmerli?Betul tk?!Jangan bimbang syg..kan aku ckp org centu tk lame?
Ahhh!Actually,aku pun penat dek kerana aku kini bz mhadiri training di PJ.Bermula seawal 9.00am - 7.00pm!!!Sampai umah aku pun lunyai..
Erm,training..memang fun!But still aku tk boleh lupe kawan² aku kat tempat kerje lame aku.Alih² aku dapat pesanan ringkas(amboi!)dari kawan aku yg still stuck kat sane.She says that"Bila aku g kt ko(mungkin ttinggal perkataan tmpat aku yg lame)aku rndu sgt dkt ko.im a lonely ranger"
Ape yg dpt aku kate kan ialah,kita memang rapat,but the fact is friends come and go kan..Sooner or later kt akan mninggalkan org atau insan yg kt syg demi mengejar cita2.All I can say is,be strong and stick around!
Tk kisahlah ape org nak ckp kan?Fkir2 blk,sampai ble org tu sanggup nak mengata?Mbuli?Mmerli?Betul tk?!Jangan bimbang syg..kan aku ckp org centu tk lame?
Monday, November 30, 2009

Loneliness may be one of the hardest feelings that someone could experience. It is one of the few feelings that could cause a suicide.
But what is loneliness? As you may have already noticed, you may have lots of friends or know lots of people but still feel that you are all alone in this world, isolated, or even feeling empty!
How to deal with it yea?
Here are the solution yg aku bace and bolehlah nak share..
in order to drive those feelings away,in order to overcome loneliness, you need to share your emotions and life experiences with other people, Try not to spend most of your time alone. If the nature of your work keeps you away from direct contact with people try to do your best on your weekends, by going to public places or social events, don’t spend the week end at home. The following are some of the practices you can take to overcome loneliness:
1.If you go for a daily walk, ask a close friend to join you.
2.One of the most effective ways to get overcome loneliness is getting involved into a relation. What happens when having a loving partner is that each single aspect of your life is shared with this partner so the feeling of loneliness disappears. The draw back to this is that you cannot control the time it happens as there are lots of other variables involved, however its pretty beneficial to know what exactly makes someone fall in love so that you can use this information to your side.
3.One of the very strong factors that help in overcoming loneliness is emotional honesty,try to be more open with your friends, tell them about your fears and worries instead of running the usual superficial conversations. If you are afraid to share your emotions then may you have a self confidence problem, Some people think that telling someone that they feel down or depressed makes them weak. This is not true, you are not your emotions, if you feel down that doesn’t mean that you are bad and if you are depressed that doesn’t mean you are faulty, it just means you are a human. Know that normal human beings have down times just like they have uptimes.
Aku nak cube la!
I'm Missing My Besties so Bad!
I hate days like this..best nye lagu neh..
Pehh..i like d lyrics as well..yeah..
Is it really necessary
Every single day
Making me more ordinary
In every possible way
This ordinary mind is broken
You did it and you don’t even know
Leaving me with words unspoken
You better get back cuz I’m ready for...
More than this
Whatever it is
Baby, I hate days like this
Caught in a trap
I can't look back
Baby I hate days like this
Is it really necessary
Every single day
Making me more ordinary
In every possible way
This ordinary mind is broken
You did it and you don’t even know
Leaving me with words unspoken
You better get back cuz I’m ready for...
More than this
Whatever it is
Baby, I hate days like this
Caught in a trap
I can't look back
Baby I hate days like this
When you made it rain
You made it rain!
Pehh..i like d lyrics as well..yeah..
Is it really necessary
Every single day
Making me more ordinary
In every possible way
This ordinary mind is broken
You did it and you don’t even know
Leaving me with words unspoken
You better get back cuz I’m ready for...
More than this
Whatever it is
Baby, I hate days like this
Caught in a trap
I can't look back
Baby I hate days like this
Is it really necessary
Every single day
Making me more ordinary
In every possible way
This ordinary mind is broken
You did it and you don’t even know
Leaving me with words unspoken
You better get back cuz I’m ready for...
More than this
Whatever it is
Baby, I hate days like this
Caught in a trap
I can't look back
Baby I hate days like this
When you made it rain
You made it rain!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Chapter 2
Apesal tibe² chapter 2?
Kerana aku consider chapter 2 adalah salah satu tajuk yang interesting ataupun aku yg Syok Sendiri?
Haha..aku nak explain kenapa aku jrg tulis blog?um..
The reason is aku sgt down pada suatu ketika dulu.Sampai aku nak tulis pun aku plk nak tmuntah dgn kisah hidup aku itu. Tapi kini,aku lebih realisticlah orang kate.
Ingat..Idup neh macam roda,kadang² diatas,kadang² dibawah.So,aku kire time tuh aku berada dibawah.Sekarang,berkat nasihat seorang kawan tapi mesra,tat I need to be strong!
Jangan biar dibuli!Skang,baru aku boleh perlahan² berdiri..Thanks Sharifah Fazlina yea:)
Kerana aku consider chapter 2 adalah salah satu tajuk yang interesting ataupun aku yg Syok Sendiri?
Haha..aku nak explain kenapa aku jrg tulis blog?um..
The reason is aku sgt down pada suatu ketika dulu.Sampai aku nak tulis pun aku plk nak tmuntah dgn kisah hidup aku itu. Tapi kini,aku lebih realisticlah orang kate.
Ingat..Idup neh macam roda,kadang² diatas,kadang² dibawah.So,aku kire time tuh aku berada dibawah.Sekarang,berkat nasihat seorang kawan tapi mesra,tat I need to be strong!
Jangan biar dibuli!Skang,baru aku boleh perlahan² berdiri..Thanks Sharifah Fazlina yea:)
Life Goes On :)
Here goes,After 4 months I've been working like a s.h.i.t and bull s.h.i.t di "wat d hell corp".I have decided to quit my job and cari keje lain. Why do I have to find a new job?(I'm asking myself)
The answer is simple, I guess I got the better offer.Bukan cheap labor..HeLo??
Tapi,its not that easy,sedih becuz I have to say bye3x to all my partner in crime yg masih disitu,Good luck baby2!!
Aku mesti rindu ko dgn sikat pink ko tuh,aksi lucu di sebelah cubicle aku dan aksi kabut dari kawan aku sorg anak mami..comfirm!!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
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